Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable audits all payment and reimbursement requests before issuing payments in accordance with University and federal policies and regulations. As part of the auditing process, the department ensures appropriate documentation is in place to support the business purpose of an expense in accordance with IRS regulations.
Vendor Invoices
Accounts Payable processes all payments for goods and services. To request payment of an invoice, please sign, date, and write the accounting distribution (index or account code) on the invoice. Make sure the vendor’s federal identification number is also on the invoice. We cannot process payment requests without the appropriate information.
Attach a check request form to the invoice if the check should be returned to the requesting department. Please note: Checks are returned to departments in very limited circumstances. If a check request is attached, the check request must be properly approved before submitting to Accounts Payable.
Check requests must be submitted for honorarium payments. Supporting documentation must be attached. Examples of acceptable documentation include contract, letter, e-mail, copy of announcement or pamphlet. -
Student Refunds
Student refund checks are issued through Accounts Payable; however, the student accounts office is responsible for initiating the refund. Please direct questions regarding student refunds to student accounts.
Check Run Schedule
Accounts Payable runs checks twice weekly, on Tuesday and Thursday morning, and checks are normally mailed by noon. During holiday weeks or inclement weather, the check run schedule may be changed. The campus community will be notified in advance when the schedule is changed.
Because Accounts Payable staff process checks from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, the office is closed for business during these hours. Phones are not answered until check processing has been completed. Please email acctpay@richmond.edu or leave a voicemail for the appropriate staff member during these hours.
There is a 10-business-day turnaround on reimbursements and payment processing. Please allow at least 10 business days before contacting the office regarding the status of a payment.
Direct Deposit for Employees and Students
All employee reimbursements are processed by direct deposits. Students who will be receiving student refunds or who will be receiving reimbursement for expenses are highly encouraged to sign up for direct deposit.
To sign up for direct deposit, please access BannerWeb, entering your Username and password. From the Main Menu, select the Manage and Sign Up for Direct Deposit link. Follow the prompts to enter your information. Whenever you add or change your banking information, the system will send you an email to verify that you made the change. The email will provide instructions on what to do if you did not add or change your banking information. Email acctpay@richmond.edu for assistance. -
Direct Deposit for Vendors
University vendors may be paid by our University purchasing card (MasterCard credit card), our virtual credit card (a single-use credit card number), or by direct deposit. Vendors paid by our purchasing card or with our virtual credit card will be paid immediately, or no more than five business days after receipt of the invoice by Accounts Payable. Vendors paid by direct deposit will be paid within 30 days after receipt of the invoice by Accounts Payable. Please email acctpay@richmond.edu for information on how to set-up your payment method. Information will only be provided to vendors who are able to verify the information Accounts Payable has on file.
Lost and Stolen Checks
If a University of Richmond check is lost or has not been received, contact the Accounts Payable department at acctpay@richmond.edu so that a stop payment can be placed on the check.
Please allow at least two weeks from the check date before requesting a stop payment, unless there is reason to believe the check has been stolen or misappropriated.
Please know the vendor name, check amount, and approximate date the payment request was sent, so that we may identify the check more readily.