Budget Process
July – September
October – December
One of the first parts of the budget that begins to take shape during this time frame is the Capital Plan. Staff is reviewing and evaluating projects that have been submitted as well as beginning to explore project financing capacity and assessing how projects connect with campus priorities and goals within the Strategic Plan and Campus Master Plan. Tuition, housing and food rates are also being presented to the Board of Trustees for Approval.
Operating budget requests are also being submitted to OPB and consolidated for consideration during this timeframe.
January – March
The Planning and Priorities Committee is meeting to hear from Academic Deans and Vice President’s about their needs and priorities for the coming years. They provide feedback to the COO, Provost and President about how those needs align with the campus’ Guiding Lights.
A draft budget is prepared and presented to Planning and Priorities, Academic Cabinet and Presidents Cabinet for review and feedback. Once that cycle is complete, a final budget recommendation is drafted and presented to the Board of Trustees for Approval.