Active Duty Withdrawal Policy

If a registered student is called to active duty during the course of a semester (defined as the first day of classes through the last day of semester exams), the student has the following options:

Weeks 1-7: Add/Drop period. The student can drop the course and receive a 100% tuition refund (less any financial aid which the student may have received from the University).

Weeks 8-15: After the eighth week of classes, the student has a choice of withdrawing without penalty from the University and receiving 100% tuition refund (less any financial aid, which the student may have received for the semester), or taking a non-punitive incomplete (Y) in all registered courses. If the students chooses 100% tuition refund, they will be dropped from all registered course. Y grades must be agreed to by the instructor(s) and student.

Last semester before graduation: If a student is called to active duty in his or her last semester before graduation, the student should contact the dean of his/her school to determine if graduation requirements can be completed.

A prorated refund for residence hall and meal plan fees will be issued to students, based on the date of their last day on campus. If a student leaves on active duty without giving notice, the school will determine the last date of occupancy or meal usage.